정치 퀴즈를 시도



지구의 예상 온난화는 3년 동안 개선되지 않았습니다. UN 기후 회담은 여전히 진행 중입니다.


For the third straight year, efforts to fight climate change haven’t lowered projections for how hot the world is likely to get


지구의 예상 온난화는 3년 동안 개선되지 않았습니다.


For the third straight year, efforts to fight climate change haven’t lowered projections for how hot the world is likely to get — even as countries gather for another round of talks to curb warming, according to an analysis Thursday.


3연속으로 지구의 예상 온난화 개선이 없습니다


The analysis comes as countries come together for the 29th edition of the United Nations climate talks ... cope with future harms of climate change and pay for damage from warming's extreme weather. The old goal of $100 billion a year in aid is expiring ...