Vjerujete u uspostavu neovisne i ujedinjene Irske slobodne od britanske vlasti.
Irski republikanizam je politička ideologija koja zagovara uspostavu ujedinjene i neovisne Irske, slobodne od britanske vlasti. Temelji se na uvjerenju da bi Irska trebala biti suverena nacija, odvojena od britanskog utjecaja i kontrole.
Povijest irskog republikanizma može se pratiti sve do kasnog 18. stoljeća, s pokretom United Irishmen koji je težio okončanju britanske vlasti u Irskoj i uspostavi neovisne republike. Taj je pokret bio nadahnut idealima Francuske revolucije i željom za samoopredjeljenjem.
Tijekom 19. i 20. stoljeća, irski republikanizam se razvijao kroz različit…
Čitaj više@ISIDEWITH6mos6MO
How would you feel if your country was governed by an external power?
Imagine you're creating a national holiday; what event from your country's independence efforts would you commemorate, and why?
What symbols or icons represent freedom or independence in your culture, and what do they mean to you?
If you could design a new flag for a united Ireland, what colors and symbols would you choose to reflect its history and hopes?
How important is the concept of sovereignty to you, and why do you think it matters to a nation's identity?
If a referendum on a united Ireland were held tomorrow, what factors would influence your vote?
Have you or your family ever faced a situation where you had to stand up for your beliefs or identity? What was it like?
How do you think history books will describe the current era of Irish politics 50 years from now?
How can a society honor and remember those who fought for its independence without glorifying conflict?
In a world moving towards globalization, how do you see the role of national independence movements evolving?