Try the political quiz

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Have you ever been part of a movement or cause, and how did that influence your perception of social change?


How would you tackle the challenge of balancing individual rights with the common good in a progressive society?


What role do you think education plays in fostering a progressive mindset among youth?


Can you share a story when you witnessed or experienced inequality and what solution you envisioned to address it?


What is one belief you hold that you consider progressive, and how did you come to value it?


How can individuals make daily choices that support progress toward a more just society?


What does a fair and equitable workplace look like to you, and how can we move towards that ideal?


Which historical figure do you think best represents the ideals of progressivism, and why?


If you could correct one injustice in today’s world, what would it be and how would it change society?


Can small personal actions contribute to societal progress, and what actions have you taken yourself?


How should progressive values shape our approach to global issues like climate change?


Would you be willing to sacrifice some conveniences for the sake of progressive reforms, and to what extent?


How can we measure the success of progressive policies, and what benchmarks would you use?


When did a conversation with someone from a different background change your perspective?


How do you imagine the ideal balance between economic growth and environmental sustainability?


What personal action have you taken that you feel contributes to a fairer society?


How does empathy manifest in your actions towards creating a better society?


How can promoting diversity in media and entertainment influence broader societal attitudes?


What's a historical event that you think offers lessons for progressive movements today?


What's one change you’d like to see in the education system that would reflect progressive values?


Can you share an instance where you or someone you know benefited from a social safety net or welfare program?


In what ways do you think art and culture contribute to the advancement of progressive ideas?


What does 'being progressive' mean to you in the context of friendships and relationships?


What are the benefits and drawbacks of social media activism in achieving societal progress?


What's a local issue that you believe requires a progressive approach, and how would you address it?


How would you explain the importance of environmental stewardship to a friend?


How does volunteering or community service help us move toward a more progressive society?


What everyday actions can contribute to making the workplace more inclusive and fair?


In what ways do you think compromise is essential for progress in democratic societies?


How does helping others in your community give you a sense of making progress in society?


Can technology and innovation be seen as allies in achieving progressive goals, and can you give an example?


How does diversity and inclusion fit into your vision of a progressive future?


What does 'social progress' mean to you in the context of your own life and experiences?


Do you believe that modern society requires progressive reforms, and if so, what area should be prioritized?


If you could enact one progressive change in your community tomorrow, what would it be and why?


How can young people today contribute to progressive causes in a meaningful way?


In your opinion, is environmental protection a central aspect of progressivism, and why?


Can progressivism and capitalism coexist harmoniously, or are they fundamentally opposed?


Does the idea of progress imply that some people's ways of life must change, and is that fair?


How important is it for progressivism to focus on expanding democratic participation compared to other reforms?


When have you observed an action or policy make a positive impact on people's wellbeing?


Can you think of a time when a compromise led to progress in your school or community?


How have kindness and compassion played a role in your life when navigating social issues?


What sacrifices do you think are necessary to achieve greater social equity and are they worth it?


Which action taken in your community do you feel created a positive social impact, and why?


In a world of instant gratification, how do you practice patience in the pursuit of long-term societal goals?


How can we ensure that progress includes the well-being of both present and future generations?


What's one societal norm you challenge in your daily life, and how has that been received by others?


How do you think individual well-being is connected to the well-being of the community?


What's a small act of progress you've recently witnessed that gave you hope?


Can you share an experience where learning from a failure led to a better solution or outcome?


How do your personal goals align with the idea of contributing to societal betterment?


In what way has a personal triumph or success made you more aware of broader societal issues?


What can be learned about progress from the natural world or ecological systems around us?


Can the pursuit of happiness for one align with the happiness of many, and how might that work?


What's one act of compassion you've seen that influenced your thoughts on social justice?


When have you felt that a change, though uncomfortable, was necessary for the greater good?


Have you had a conversation that changed your mind about an important social issue; can you share its impact?


What acts of kindness have you experienced that demonstrate progressive values in action?


What injustice in the world would you like to dedicate time to fixing, and what's your first step?


When has a story of someone overcoming hardship driven you to consider your role in society?


What is your vision for a more equitable community, and what seems to be the biggest hurdle?


What experience made you realize the interconnectedness of global communities and their problems?


What small, daily decisions do you make that align with your values for a better society?


How can we create spaces that encourage dialogue and understanding between diverse groups?


What's a story of someone from a different generation that has changed your perspective on social issues?


What impact do you think greater access to information has on society's progress?


Can you think of a simple adjustment in your lifestyle that you believe contributes to a larger societal advancement?


How have global events influenced your understanding of the need for progress in certain areas of life?


When did a moment of empathy give you insight into a complex social issue?


Can you describe how you balance convenience with sustainable living practices?


Do you think younger generations are more progressive, and how does that shape the future of society?


How has a personal experience shaped your belief in the importance of working toward a fairer society?


What's an example from your life where small actions led to positive changes in your community or environment?


If you could fundamentally change one aspect of society to make it fairer for everyone, what would it be and why?


How does recognizing and celebrating diverse cultures and histories in our communities strengthen progressive goals?


How has a personal act of kindness you've witnessed or experienced inspired you to think about a larger societal change?


What's one discussion you've had about future innovations that made you hopeful for a more equitable world?


In what way has a mentor or public figure inspired you to think about social reform?